This course is to prepare the postgraduate dental students to start their orthodontic clinical training on patients. It will teach them how to: 
  1. comprehensively take History & examine an orthodontic patient
  2. Gather the necessary orthodontic records; manual & digital.
  3. Analyze orthodontic records including study model assessment and radiographic interpretation both manually & digitally. 
  4. diagnose an orthodontic malocclusion by formulating an orthodontic problem list and a diagnostic summary
  5. Perform a digital diagnostic set-up/treatment simulation
  6. identify the treatment protocols in orthodontic management.
  7. formulate a treatment plan. & do a case presentation
  8. Know how to place separators, orthontic bands and brackets
  9. fabricate removable retainers, functional applances, soldered appliances and bend multilooped arch wires, T loops, bonded and Essix retainers.