Marine Natural Products (PHG402)


This course enables the student to understand the importance of marines life and marines natural products, describe and deal with: the composition and bioactivity of sea water, the marine ecosystem and classification of major phyla of marine organisms; the importance of marine drugs as leads for novel pharmaceuticals; the chemistry, bioactivity and/ or toxicity of metabolites derived from marine organisms (specially algae, invertebrates and microorganisms); as well as, the techniques adopted for drug-development from marine resources. 

Phytotherapy and Aromatherapy (PHG331)


Upon successful completion of this module, the students should be able to know guidelines for prescribing herbal medicinal drugs based on the pharmacological properties of these drugs including therapeutic uses, mechanism of action, dosage, adverse reactions, contraindications & drug interactions. The module also allows students understand pharmaco-therapeutic principles applied to the treatment of different diseases, pharmacovigilance and rational use of drugs. Also the student should understand the basis of complementary and alternative medicine with emphasis on herbal remedies, nutritional supplements, homeopathies, aromatherapy & their effect on maintaining optimum health and prevention of chronic diseases. It includes studying of medicinal plants portfolios concerning phytopharmaceuticals in Egyptian Market.

Chemistry of Natural Products (2) (PHG322)

This module aims to enable students to demonstrate the knowledge and experience that enables her/ him to understand, describe and deal with the chemistry of alkaloids and volatile oils, their structure activity relationships (SAR), their pharmacophoric features, besides their pharmacological and toxicological patterns

Chemistry of Natural Products (1) (PHG221)


This module aims at the study of the chemistry of different classes of bioactive raw material (carbohydrates, different types of glycosides (cardiac,

anthraquinones , flavonoids, tannins …), miscellaneous terpenoids, bitters), their structures, methods of isolation, identification, and determination, together with their biosynthetic pathway, besides their pharmacological actions and therapeutic uses and how to serve the pharmaceuticals,

cosmetics and food industries in Egypt.