AIMS This course expands the principles of operating systems introduced in the prerequisite to cover the advanced topics in modern operating systems, memory management subsystems, file systems, concurrency, networks, distributed operating systems, distributed mutual exclusion, distributed deadlocks detection, load balancing, process migration, file management and organization,
security and
protection, fault tolerance, issues within client/server processing and object orientation. LEARNING OUTCOMES Knowledge On completion of this module, the successful student will be able to: • Demonstrate construction and design of advanced OS components such as: memory management subsystems and file system • Demonstrate basic concepts commonly used in network operating systems and network programming. • Critically appraise the advantages and limitations of peer to peer and server based NOS's. • Categorize and appraise
security and
protection techniques • Discuss advanced features of OS such as client/server processing, object orientation and fault tolerance Skills This module will call for the successful student to demonstrate: • Provide a critical analysis of commercially produced NOSs from the prespective of suitability for various applications. • Select, implement and manage NOSs. • Select NOS suitable for a particular application. SYLLABUS • File-System Interface. • File-System Implementation. • I/O Systems. • Network Structures. • Distributed System Structures. • Distributed File Systems. •
Protection. •
Security. • Fault Tolerance. • Client/Server processing and Object Orientation Assessment Scheme • Unseen Examinations 60 % • Coursework 40% Learning materials • Operating Systems Concepts, 8th ed. John Wiley & Sons, became available on July 18, 2008