Enrolment options

Digital Logic Design (CS121/CS221)

Learning Outcomes: on successful completion of this course a student will be able to:

A. Knowledge:

    1- Explain fundamentals of Boolean algebra and building blocks of logic circuits. (K1)

    2- Describe common designs of combinational and sequential circuits. (K3)

B. Cognitive Skills:

    1- Demonstrate digital logic circuit implementation. (I1)

    2- Differentiate between different logic designs. (I2)

C. Professional Skills:

Build logic circuits from common logic gates and components. (P2)

D. General Skills:

Work effectively as a group member. (T3)

Office Hours - Spring 2024:
Dr. Mohammed Hossam @ H415
Tue 0800 - 0930 and Thu 1100 - 1230.

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